Friday, December 3, 2010

What's Up??

This has been a better week for me and as the week progressed I have been feeling better about my job situation and starting to sleep better. It is amazing how a bad situation can affect your well being...Anyway I have been busy, and started working on all the piles of things in my sewing room.

I have my Christmas cards in progress, cutting all the pieces first. I will have these made early next week, and in the mail a day or two after that. I only make about 25 cards these days and generally just send them to people we won't see over the Christmas season.

I am attempting to make an ornament wreath. I love purple with red for Christmas, but who knew it would take SO many ornaments??? Wow...I hope to have this done next week as well, and I think I'll hang over the mantle.

We are off to Edmonton today to Tony's company's Christmas party.  Then tomorrow we have friends coming for dinner so need to be back in Okotoks by 2ish so I can clean and Tony can prepare the meal.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Michelle said...

I want to make one of those ornament wreaths...can't wait to see yours done!

sunny said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better about things. By Christmas, you'll be destressed and ready to face the New Year! I'm going to start on my cards tonight. I cut out all the pieces first, too, and then do an assembly line. I make about 40-50 each year. And we're having dinner company tomorrow night too! I'll be cleaning while dh cooks. Not a bad arrangement, I guess.

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Annie,
Hope you had a safe journey here to Edmonton and enjoyed your time here. Sounds like life has been challenging for you but you are coming through it with a great attitude and positive outlook. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you will make the best choice for you and yours. Sending you good wishes for a happy festive season.
Warmest regards,

Linda in Arkansas said...

I really like your Christmas ornament wreath. It's turning out so pretty. I'm glad your job situation is better. It is so stressfull when it's bad.

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Can't believe you make your Christmas cards - you go girl!! Lovin that wreath - can't wait to see it finished! And, hey - I'm glad to hear your feeling and sleeping better!

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