Sunday, January 22, 2012

Now I'm Happy!

I couldn't stand it anymore. I've moved my sewing room back upstairs into a beautiful sunny room, and I couldn't be happier! I am very lucky to have this room, and don't know why I had the need to move downstairs a few months ago. I was worried that this is the first room you see when you enter our home and come down the hallway, but now I think, whatever!! I can shut the door when we have guests.

I have my little reading alcove where I can also do some handsewing. I see out the window and watch TV here.

This extra desk is for cutting or for my card making/scrapbooking. In the box underneath is fabric I have listed in Kijiji. I decided after moving some things over the years from 3 homes, that if I haven't used it by now, I never will. Time to get rid of it find it a new home.

I've even got a few treasures up on the wall, and some of my angel collection set up, so it is looking like 'home".

I feel my creativity coming back, and can't wait to get back at it.

Have a great week!


sunny said...

Oh yes! Look at all the light in that room. Definitely a great place for your sewing. I know I"d spend more time in my room is it wasn't such a mess, so I'm working hard on decluttering. Now get busy sewing.

Sharon said...

What a lovely space to play in! The yellow on the walls is very much the same as what I have on my sewing room walls. Hope you get to spend some time sewing today!

Kim said...

Just had to chuckle when I read this post. Sounds very familiar. Hope you settle back in and feel right at home in your favorite space - once again. :-D

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